Self Esteem Exercise
Who I Want to Be Guided Meditation

I once asked myself, "Who am I?"The answer I got was the question"Who do you want to be?"
- Eric Brierly

What a powerful question, Who do you want to be? As I repeat it aloud, my mind ignites with thoughts - other questions:

  • Hmmm, do I really get to make this choice?

  • Do I have the courage to really go for it?

  • Do I have the faith to allow it to be birthed?

Let's focus on Choice - keeping in mind that you choose Who you want to be.

Humans make choices all day long. From the moment you wake up until the moment you fall asleep you make choices:

  • What to wear.

  • What to eat.

  • To floss or not.

You are making choices all the time - consciously and most often, unconsciously. Even when you choose not to decide -you are making a choice!

However, people often believe they have no choice in how they feel about themselves and suffer emotionally due to low self esteem, lack of confidence, hopelessness and anger.

This is just not so!

The sooner you realize that you are responsible for how you feel about yourself and that you are responsible for your own happiness - no other person, material possession or external condition can make you happy or unhappy - the soon your can consciously choose thoughts that support who you want to be.

Use this Guided Meditation to envision who you want to be:

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